GK General Insurance Co Ltd (GKI) was born out of the insurance agency operations of Grace, Kennedy & Company and commenced writing business on September 1, 1981.
As a wholly-owned subsidiary of GraceKennedy Limited, GKI has embraced the parent company's values of honesty, integrity and trust. GraceKennedy is one of the leading business conglomerates in the region and is traded on each of the stock exchanges in the Caribbean - Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago and the Eastern Caribbean.
GKI has consistently ranked amongst the top three insurers in Jamaica based on profitability and strength of the balance sheet. Licensed under The Insurance Act (2001), we write all classes of general insurance business. We specialise in motor vehicle insurance, property insurance, personal accident insurance, pecuniary loss insurance, marine, aviation and transport insurance, liability insurance.
In addition to traditional insurance, GK General Insurance launched the first online platform that allows customers to customise their motor insurance and pay for it online is as little as 15 minutes.
Visit www.gkgonline.com today and to get insurance coverage from the convenience of the home, office, or even the beach—all for the price you choose.
Our branches are open Monday through Friday. However, our Sovereign and Portmore offices are open on Saturdays from 10.00 am – 2.00 pm.