#events · 1 year ago

Hope Johnson presents "MHS Global Alumni 2023"

Hope Johnson presents

It’s here for the official banquet of the NHS Global Alumni, inaugural homecoming 2023.

All proceeds will be in aid of the MHS Gym Project.

Come out and ignite a flame and leave a legacy.

You can leverage the foundation of Chesta week, a week of celebration on the MHS sprint.

March 23- Meet and greet in person at Summit at 4 pm.

March 24-Speed Mentoring and Careers at 8 am.

March 25-Sports day, we are starting at 9 am, fundraising/gala at 7 pm.

March 26-Fund raising/ Brunch and Golf Tournament at 8 am.

The keynote speaker will be Caribbean Employers Confederation Wayne Chen.

MCs. Gerry McDonald- RJR Communication group and Peta-Gay Hodges

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