Do you want to report "Ardenne Pharmacy & Gift Centre"
Having trouble sourcing your medication? Ardenne Pharmacy & Gift Centre has everything that you expect from your local pharmacy. Our mission is to provide customers with an overall experience that exceeds expectations, while promoting health, wellbeing, and improving their overall quality of life. We carry prescription and over the counter drugs, beauty supplies, health products, baby products home décor, toys, stationery, and gift items. Our pharmacists are professional and available to answer your questions, give advice and prepare your prescriptions. We offer free blood pressure checks, blood sugar and cholesterol tests at affordable prices. If you are in a hurry, you can avoid the long wait by faxing or emailing your prescription ([email protected]). Ensure that you take the original prescription when you come to collect. We will also do our best to source hard-to-get medication for you. At Ardenne Pharmacy & Gift Centre, there are discounts for everyone. There are discounts for employees of Scotiabank, National Commercial Bank, the Jamaica Constabulary Force, the Jamaica Defence Force, teachers, and nurses. Seniors with valid ID get up to 12% discount, and there is 10% discount available for walk-in prescriptions. Delivery services are available. Speak with our pharmacist for additional information. We promise quick, confidential, efficient, and friendly service. Give us a call today!