#travel · 1 year ago

Port Antonio recommendations

Looking for things to do for an open minded, adventurous Canadian couple and our 10 year old son. Planning on a 3 day visit. Thinking Boston Beach one day, rafting on the Rio Grand another and Reach Falls. Are these all legitimate options still? I haven’t been to Port Antonio since maybe 1990!! Thanks for any help. Big up to Jamaica!


Honestly I would consider a back up plan in light of the extensive road works due for the parish, that are only now in the beginning phase. Considering the extent of the works, they won’t be even half way done by January 2023.

I went through Port Antonio to Boston Beach last month and it was pretty bad but only a small section had been dug out. I cant imagine what it would be like with rain. We thought surely the opposite route via St. Thomas would be better but nope, it was worse because the majority of the route had been dug up.


No doubt it is a much needed project and driving will be a breeze once completed.

If you search “St. Thomas highway improvement Jamaica” on youtube you’ll get some context on what is coming over the next few months for the Portland leg of the Government’s south coast mega highway project


You forgot Winnifred beach which is probably the place your family will enjoy the most. If it’s things you’re looking to do with family, Port Antonio isn’t it. It’s the chill spot where the well-to-do go to get away for the weekend. Port Antonio is my favourite area on the island but not for a 10-year-old.

Ocho Rios is where you want to go with kids.


I was looking into small villa or guest house accommodations. Nothing big. The Port Antonio portion of our trip is to get a taste of the off the beaten path; the people and the day to day action. From another reply it seems transport in Portland may not be too easy with roadworks planned. Thanks for your input.


Stay in Portland and not another parish. The road works will add a lot of time to your journey and you won’t want to extend that further by being far out. You can still do those activities you mentioned.

You’ll easily find a suitable guest house. Just avoid staying right near the road cause it can get dusty if it’s dry.


I love Port Antonio and had a great time there. It’s gorgeous. Definitely do the rafting, check out the Blue Lagoon, eat all the food, look for where the local kids swim in their underwear, and just walk around and take it all in.

Edit: We stayed at a large bed and breakfast on Titchfield Hill. The view was spectacular.

Edit 2: Check out Nonsuch Cave!


Stay at frenchmans cove hotel (not the villas at frenchmans they suck n are more expensive) that way you wake up n your already at a beautiful beach and it’s close to blue lagoon u can go to monkey island on a raft for cheap, Boston bay. Port Antonio town etc. reach falls is a bit of a drive tho that’s like 40 min. stay in Portland it’s the most beautiful parish in Jamaica!!! U have to email frenchmans tho they don’t answer the phone or u can stay at Goblin hill costs a bit more n you won’t be on beach and road construction going on right under goblin hill.


Goblin Hill would be a great place to stay - mid-priced, fairly consistent, good location, family friendly.

Frenchmen’s Cove beach, then Winnifred.

Reich Falls.

Rafting on the Rio Grande.

Boston Beach and pork there can be hit or miss and annoying.

Blue Hole is nice but sometimes overrun with hustlers.


Winnifred beach, frenchmans cove ( u could stay at the hotel for cheap n wake up at the beach already) blue lagoon, Boston bay. Sommerset falls, reach falls Don’t stress the traffic. There’s traffic everywhere in Jamaica.. and don’t listen to the ppl saying Portland not for kids it absolutely is n I wish I had been taken there when I was 10!!! Have fun!!